Bluescape: Table of Contents

Bluescape Overview

Bluescape is a colaborative "infinite canvas" application that provides video chat alongside a shared whiteboard similar to popular design apps like Figma, Miro, Mural, Canvas, etc.

It's a complex and rewarding UX challenge incorporating common elements of document and layout design tooling, including support for a wide variety of content formats (text, image, pdf, video, web-page, spreadsheet, presentation, etc);

My initial focus was improving the core pan, zoom, select, move, and resize functions. Doing so meant coding a mini-application from scratch for purposes of R&D and conducting user tests. Play with it full size here!.

My "infinite canvas" R&D base

After making successful improvements to the core, I tackled the text editing experience. I advocated on behalf of our users who need to create notes that are legible in a wide array of contexts. We used WCAG guidelines to select default foreground colors with the highest contrast.

Later projects touched everything from guides & snapping to groups & clustering.

Fig 1: An early sketch attempting to capture all the top level features and reorganize them more intuitively.